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Now that we are officially passed the half-way point of the 2014 election period, each of New Brunswick’s five registered political parties are starting to lay their cards on the table. Central to these policy and funding announcements/promises are the party platforms, all of which have now been released. These platforms form the basis on the parties’ message to the voting public and in theory, form the foundation of the winning party’s mandate for the next four years.

Each of the five platforms can be found online here:

Green Party of New Brunswick:

People’s Alliance of NB:

New Brunswick New Democratic Party:

New Brunswick Liberal Party:

Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick:


We also encourage everyone to tune into the three scheduled English-language television leaders debates begin tonight. The schedule is as follows:

Cost of Election Commitments Disclosure Statements

Under the Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act passed earlier this year, parties are now required to file the estimated costs of campaign promises with Elections New Brunswick. These statements are signed-off by an accountant (based on estimates provided by the party) and are available to the public. They are distributed by Chief Electoral Officer, Michael Quinn through a mailing list. To receive these emails, contact Mr Quinn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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