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Interview with Jelly Media

Can you tell me a bit about how your business began? Are you one of the founders or when did you join the business?  Does your business have other locations provincially, nationally or internationally?

Jelly Academy’s digital marketing training was originally born out of a client need for Jelly Digital Marketing and PR, the marketing agency. Clients were consistently coming to Jelly Marketing asking to have their team trained to develop digital marketing skills. Our curriculum has existed for nearly 6 years, and in in 2023, Jelly Academy became its own entity. I am one of the founding partners, and am proud that our company is Indigenous led.

Tell me about your business?  What does your business do?  What products and/or services do you offer?

Jelly Academy provides entry-level digital marketing training. Our training is focused on helping individuals develop practical skills and knowledge that they can immediately apply on-the-job upon graduation. Currently folks can take our course and receive FULL FUNDING for the training through Digital Marketing Skills Canada, in partnership with the Government of Canada. Members of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce can learn more and apply now here:

Tell me a bit about your clientele, who are the people who use, buy or take advantage of your products and services?

Our learners are made up of business owners trying to grow their business online, and folks upskilling to change jobs, land a promotion, or launch into a new career path. We have trained more than 1000 individuals across the country, supporting underserved populations through our Indigenous, BPOC, and Gender Equity Scholarships. Folks taking our course are looking to develop skills that they can immediately apply to their business, or in their job.

How many staff do you employ?  Full time or part time?

We have 4 full time staff and 25 contract instructors, who are all industry leaders and practitioners.

Is your business involved in any community activities or organizations?

We are proud to be members of multiple Chambers of Commerce across Canada, the Canadian Indigenous Business Association, People of Colour in Advertising and Marketing, and more.

Can you tell me about one of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had while working for the business?  Favourite customers?

By far, the most rewarding experience for us is being able to provide opportunities to individuals who face barriers to receiving skills training. We are proud to be able to remove financial barriers, and improve accessibility to learning opportunities through remote and online course delivery. We are so thrilled to be a part of the Digital Marketing Skills Canada consortium to offer fully funded training for our Digital Marketing Bootcamp.

What are you most proud of in your business?

As an Indigenous marketer and business leader, I am so proud to be able to work with incredible organizations like First Nations Tech Council, Canadian Council for Indigenous Business, Manitoba Métis Federation, and more, to remove barriers to accessing our training for Indigenous learners across the country.

Has your business won any awards?

Canadian Business 25 Most Innovative Companies of 2024

What kind of challenges have you experienced in your business and how were you able to overcome them?

I think one of the biggest challenges has been finding out how we can remove barriers for those who are underserved to access skills training. Admittedly, we had some growing pains as we were getting started on this journey. For example, we learned that not everyone has access to the technology required to participate in training. Luckily, we learned and forged great partnerships to remove funding, technology access barriers, and more. Thanks to partnerships with organizations like Best Buy, we continued to be able to remove barriers.

What sets you apart from your competition?

We are an Indigenous owned and led business that places emphasis on supporting Indigenous learners and other equity-seeking groups.

What is the biggest risk facing your business or your industry?

The advancement of technology is undoubtedly a huge thing to be aware of for us and our competitors. The tools that are used to run digital marketing campaigns, ie. Google Ads manager, Meta Ads Manager, Google Analytics, and more, are all getting smarter and smarter with machine learning and artificial intelligence. That being said, even with these advancements, digital marketing cannot be successful without human influence. We can use these advancements to our advantage to improve efficiency and make better informed decisions.

What is next for your business? Any exciting projects you want to tell us about?

The biggest undertaking for Jelly Academy right now is our participation in the Digital Marketing Skills Canada project, funded by Upskill Canada and the Government of Canada. Through this program Jelly Academy, Growclass and the Canadian Marketing Association aim to train 1,200 individuals from underserved populations by the end of 2024 to develop skills to advance their employment, or support the growth of their business. Members of the Fredericton Chamber of Commerce can learn more and apply now here:

How do you feel about the economy and opportunities in NB?

While the rest of Canada might now be aware, New Brunswick is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to technology and innovation. As it is “home to several of Canada’s top science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) faculties” (Invest Canada), we believe New Brunswick is on the rise as it relates to New Collar employment. We are very excited to be a part of developing the New Collar economy workforce and know that folks in New Brunswick have the skills and ability to be leaders in this respect.

What is one thing you wish more people knew about your business?

 We have numerous opportunities for fully funded training.

What is the best advice you ever received as a business owner?

“A rising tide lifts all boats” – supporting those around you – and investing in the ecosystem of the business community is worth it. The vital role the chamber plays and the people you meet in your community – are key and crucial to the success of your business.



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